Metro Senior Ride Service / Transit Alternatives

Contact: 701-356-RIDE (7433) during the office hours of 7:00am and 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.

Web Site:

Purpose of Service: Door to door transportation for people age 60 and over. 

Type of Service: Shared ride service which means the driver may pick up and drop off other passengers on the way to the rider's destination. Grocery shopping trips are scheduled on a weekly basis in Fargo and West Fargo.

Hours of Service: 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Scheduling Requirements: Make reservation a least 2 to 3 days in advance of scheduled ride. Rides are provided on a "first come, first serve" basis.

Eligibility Requirements: Must be age 60 or older. Individual must be able to walk and enter the vehicle under their own power.

Cost of ride:  $3 one way for people age 60 and over   $23 one way for general public under age 60

Minnesota or North Dakota Medicaid: No

Cost to bring personal care attendant (PCA): None

Service Area:  Fargo, West Fargo, Moorhead, Dilworth

Type of Vehicles: Mini vans (no ramps)

Revised June 2018

 Bus service is also available from Transit Alternatives (Formally Clay County Rural Transit - CCRT)

Contact: 218-998-3002 or 1-866-998-3002 during the office hours of 7:00am and 6:00pm, Monday through Friday. Website:

Purpose of Service: Commuter service to Fargo-Moorhead MAT Ground Transportation Center and grocery shopping trips from senior housing developments in Moorhead and Dilworth.

Type of Service:  Shared ride service which means the driver may pick up and drop off other passengers on the way to the rider’s destination. Grocery shopping trips are scheduled on a weekly basis from senior housing developments in Moorhead and Dilworth.