Have a favorite park in Dilworth?
Want to share your gift of a green thumb? Want to help care for and beautify our city parks? Maybe you have a fun idea to add seasonal cheer to the park? Well, here is a program you will love. By adopting a park, Dilworth residents, schools, clubs, companies, and service organizations are making their parks more beautiful for everyone.
Adopt-A-Park allows citizens and particularly park users, to show pride in their community. It is set up for groups to visit the park of their choice on a regular basis to pick up litter and to perform other tasks to help keep the park clean. Local service organizations, youth organizations, church groups, and neighborhoods can have fun while providing a community service.
Adopting a park isn’t just about work; it’s about fun!
Your group’s time at your adopted park could include a picnic, outdoor games, or a BBQ. Adoption terms are for two years, with the opportunity to renew at the same park if interested.
What is the Time Commitment?
- That is completely up to you. You could hold an annual spring event to get things planted and mulched. You could hold events throughout the summer. Park adopters can also work individually, at their own leisure.
- So get together with your company, club, family, or neighbors and adopt a park. Show your pride in Dilworth and have fun! During the summer there is plenty of work to do.
Contact city hall for more information at 218-287-2313 or cityhall@ci.dilworth.mn.us