Branch Chipping

The City of Dilworth chips branches (tree trimmings only, not whole trees) on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month starting with the 3rd Wednesday of May through the 3rd Wednesday in October (weather permitting).


Place branches on your boulevard on Tuesday evening. Leave branches loose, do not bundle or tie and only branches the size that one person can handle are accepted. Please leave branches whole, do not break into small pieces. Branches should not be larger than 6 inches in diameter. 


Clay County Compost

Brush and Yard Waste Drop-off

Residents can haul brush and other yard waste to the City’s Compost Facility for free. Large amounts of brush may be subject to a disposal site fee.


Yard Waste Compost Site
1800 HWY 75 N

(Just north of Centennial Park baseball fields, right on Hwy 75)


Drop off hours:
Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 4:15 pm
Saturdays 8:00 am to 11:45 am