Welcome to the City of Dilworth

This November, residents will consider whether to approve a half-percent local sales and use tax to help finance the construction of a new modern and multi-functional community center. To help residents make an informed decision, DilworthOnTrack.com was created to provide details on the plan, the process, and to answer questions.
Click on the following link to see a “virtual tour” of the City of Dilworth and get a sneak peek inside many of our local businesses.
We hope this site provides helpful city information to our residents, businesses and visitors. Dilworth is recognized in our area as a great place to live and raise a family, building our future as a prospering, friendly community with small town values and improving the quality of life for each and every resident.

At the City of Dilworth, we always strive to provide up-to-date information on city services. Please visit this site often for information on city services, community events and more!

City News & Events


Seasonal Sump Pump Information April - October

Reminder that it is against ordinance to emit your sump pump discharge into the sanitary sewer system after March 31! If it is still connected, please switch it over to an outside discharge.